Last week we got to do the funnest thing and pick up the new
missionaries. I love picking up the new missionaries #WelcomeToTheWar.
This time was actually a lot more special because I got to see myself
come into the mission field! Everyone say hello to the New Elder
Hicks!! It was soooo awesome to finally meet the kid! I've known for 3
months now that he was coming into the mission because we get what's
called a "compliment" that lets us know who is going home at what
transfer and who is coming in for the next 3 transfers so we can plan
on closing, holding and opening areas in the mission. He is such a
little baller! He actually lived in Bountiful for a little bit. Anyways, he is very
respectful and has such a strong spirit about him. When we picked up
the new missionaries he was one of the 3 that drove with Elder
Garfield and I to the fear buster. At the fear buster, I got the
sweetest opportunity to be the kid's "street pops". We talked to some
interesting people. The first guy's name was Lee. We actually ran up to
him and he got a little scared at first but totally warmed up to us. I
can only imagine what went through his mind when he saw us. Most
people when they look at our tags see the title "Elder" and think that
we are brothers, but for us it was both "Elder Hicks" and both
blondes. (Haha) We said that we were cousins ;) Anyways he was the
first "Muslim" that I have ever spoken to out here (we meet a lot)
that believed Jesus Christ is his Savior. I was so confused... That's
like a Mormon saying he/she believes the Pope speaks the word of No! Anyways we went with it and it was a super spiritual
contact/lesson. Elder Hicks and I bore powerful testimonies of the
Atonement of Jesus Christ. The new missionaries have such a strong
spirit, I love it! After Lee, we started to walk back and saw 2 black
guys (of course) standing outside of McDonalds. We walked up to talk
with them. When we were about 5 feet away they noticed us and stepped
way back going "Wwwwwwwoooooooowwww!! What did we do wrong this time?!
We are just standing here having a good conversation, Brothers!" And so
we took a step back too (haha). I wish somebody filmed it. We asked their
names were and I swear if this was truly their names I feel so bad for
them... PooGizzle and Splash. I kid you not that's what they said
their names were. Elder Hicks started talking to "PooGizzle" while I
talked with "Splash". He had just gotten out of jail 2 weeks previous
and wanted to know about Jesus since he knew literally nothing.
"PooGizzle" was just swearing at Elder Hicks and I don't know what he
said but he calmed him down - so the kid must be super talented.
When we got back to the mission home President wanted the new
missionaries to Role Play inviting someone to be baptized after
explaining the Book of Mormon. It was hilarious because the new
missionaries were just dead beat tired from flying #jetlag and now
they were expected to Role Play. In the middle of Role Playing, the
sisters that serve in the area of the mission home called us, and
asked for us to come change their tire for them because they couldn't
get a hold of their District Leader.
Elder Hicks is standing above Elder Hicks
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